MACCARD Project "Master in Climate Change, Agriculture and Sustainable Rural Development"

MACCARD Project "Master in Climate Change, Agriculture and Sustainable Rural Development"

Within the framework of the MACCARD Project "Master in Climate Change, Agriculture and Sustainable Rural Development", funded by the European Union within the Erasmus Plus Program, a cycle of training workshops will be organized from April 26 to 29, aimed at teachers and researchers from our University.


Topics such as strategies and methodologies to improve student-oriented teaching and learning processes and practical methodologies and techniques related to the subjects of the MACCARD Master will be addressed.

The workshop will be based on a participatory approach with a space for active discussion and exchange of experiences between teachers from Europe (University of Sassari, Italy and University of Granada, Spain) and from Latin America (University of Azuay and Amazon Regional University - IKIAM in Ecuador, National University Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza-UNTRM and National University of Jaén-UNJ in Peru).

To participate you need to register here:


Monday April 26, 2021

Tuesday April 27, 2021

Wednesday April 28, 2021

Thursday April 29, 2021


Teaching methodologies

Research methodologies (Part1)

Assessment by competencies, Academic networks, Internationalization

Research Methodologies (Part 2)

8,30 am (ECT & PET) / 15.30 (CEST)

Improve the educational system through new teaching and learning methodologies and subjects- UNISS and University of Leeds (UK), PhD Nicola Favretto

Methodologies for the determination of water quality models in rivers (ES) - UNJ, Lenin Quinones Huatangari

Academic search engines and research (social) networks (ES) -UGR, Prof. Jaime Martin

Paleoclimatic reconstruction: perspective (ES) - IKIAM, Bryan Valencia

9.30 AM (ECT & PET) / 16.30 (CEST)

Pedagogical innovation in times of covid 19: whatsapp and virtual classes, the experience of the UNJ (ES)- UNJ, Candy Lisbeth Ocaña

A methodological approach to assess vulnerability to climate change (EN) - UNISS, PhD Serena Marras and Prof. Donatella Spano

Instruments for competency assessment (ES) -UGR,
 Prof. Diego Pablo Ruiz / Prof. Francisco Serrano

How can economists help the study of climate change? (EN-ES) -UNISS, Prof. Luciano Gutierrez

10.30 AM (ECT & PET) / 17.30 (CEST)

Interactive Teaching and Learning Experiences (EN) - UNISS, Ana Helena Dias Francesconi

Applied Ecology Techniques (ES) -IKIAM, Maria Cristina Penuela

The internationalization of higher education institutions: benefits, tools and challenges (ES) -UGR Prof. Wenceslao Martin

Computational Reproducibility: Why is it important? (IT IS) -UDA, Prof. Daniela Ballari, PhD

11.30 AM (ECT & PET) / 18.30 (CEST)


Access to geographic information: spatial infrastructures (ES) -UGR,
 Professor Emilio Molero